
How To Get A Better  Night Sleep

How To Get A Better Night Sleep


Family Chiropractic

Even if you have the most comfortable pillow or mattress in the world — there are some mornings when you will wake up with a sore body especially your shoulders, neck and back even if you sleep eight or nine hours because the quality of their sleep is poor. Sleeping should make you feel refreshed not tired!

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Chiropractic Care Not a Cause of Stroke


Family Chiropractic

Some neck pain is already a sign of early stages of stroke and not just because of stress or posture problems. There are a lot of reasons why people experience stroke. When a blood vessel tears, it can lead to stroke. This process may but not necessarily caused by neck manipulations or chiropractic treatment. This happens when one of the artery layers has a tear in the artery wall of the neck; it can result to a stroke if a blood clot forms. This can occur when a sudden movement that can rotate the neck happens like sporting activities, violent coughing or if a person undergoes a neck manipulating therapy.

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Fatigue And Chiropractic Care


Family Chiropractic

We have become busier than ever, some even doubt if a laid back lifestyle is still possible. Because of this, complaining about fatigue is no longer surprising. However, when you still feel exhausted every time despite your efforts to take a rest more often, then that’s where you should be alarmed. But don’t worry, you might just figure out why you’ve been feeling low and find a solution at the same time.

Chiropractor Singapore and Scoliosis

Chiropractor Singapore and Scoliosis


Family Chiropractic

If you’re one of the hundreds and thousands of scoliosis suffers, I’m sure you’re always wondering if chiropractic can really help with scoliosis. With the nagging pain that this condition brings to every patients, the agony, thinking that you might have to live with it for the rest of your life is almost as painfully as the illness itself.

Chiropractic Care In Musculoskeletal Disorders

Chiropractic Care In Musculoskeletal Disorders


Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is becoming more popular worldwide. Chiropractic care has provided effective pain relief and improved quality of life for millions of people all over the world. Treating musculoskeletal disorders with different chiropractic care has been proven safe and effective. It involves the use of natural, drug-free, non-invasive, safe and effective therapy in treating various nerve, muscle and bone dysfunctions.

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What Are The Effective Treatments For Facet Joint Syndrome?


Family Chiropractic

Facet joint syndrome is the pain at the joint between two vertebrae in your spine. The joints in your spine that make your back flexible and allow you to bend and twist are called facet joints. And when your facet joints become swollen and painful, that’s when facet joint syndrome happens. If the facet joint becomes too swollen and enlarged, it may block the openings through which the nerve roots pass, causing a pinched nerve. This condition is called facet hypertrophy.

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Treating Neck Pain with Physical Therapy and other Alternatives


Family Chiropractic

People who suffer from cervical disc disease think that simple home remedies are enough to lessen the neck pain. Some seek the help of a physical therapist while others go to chiropractic clinic. However, many people opt to try various exercises as well as manipulations given by health care providers. These exercises are known to relieve discomfort being their movement into normal.

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Trigger Points and Chiropractic Care


Family Chiropractic

Trigger point can be present in your body without showing any symptoms except for muscle stiffness. However, it can be activated by trauma to the muscle, emotional stress or physical cold. You will know if you have trigger point if you feel a burning or gripping pain or a heavy or dull ache. Although trigger point can cause pain, there is a way to treat this without any surgery. You can seek help from a chiropractor to alleviate the pain and treat trigger point.

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How Can Pregnant Women Benefit from Chiropractic Care


Family Chiropractic

There are some unlucky women who develop pelvic pain during the course of pregnancy. Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is estimated to affect up to one in five pregnant women. This condition is becoming common among pregnant due to various factors such as age, previous injury to the pelvis, or a hard physical job.