
chiropractic singapore

Sciatica And Chiropractic Care


Family Chiropractic

This often described as pain that runs from lower back and buttocks area down to one or both legs which even goes as far as the toes for those severe cases. This happens because the largest nerve in the body, which is the sciatica nerve, is being compressed.

Chiropractic Care And Sports Injuries

Chiropractic Care And Sports Injuries


Family Chiropractic

When an athlete suffers a career-ending injury, majority of people understand it’s sad but don’t think much about it. However, what you may not realize is that, even if you aren’t a professional athlete but as long as you play sports whether for recreation or exercise you can also be at risk of sports injuries. So, no matter which side of the retrospect you’re on, it’s essential to understand how injuries occur and what you can do to prevent and treat it.

Chiropractic Care Benefits You May Not Be Aware Of

Chiropractic Care Benefits You May Not Be Aware Of


Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and restore proper function of the nervous system. When the nervous system is well taken care of, you can rest assured that it benefits your entire body, not just your back. So here are some of those that you may not know about.

Reasons To Exercise Proper Posture All The Time

Reasons To Exercise Proper Posture All The Time


Family Chiropractic

Do you ever wonder why parents or grandparents nag about standing or sitting properly? Most of the time you just brush it off or get irritated because you don’t realize the good in that advice. But once you learn all of its benefits, you’d surely be passing the same wisdom once you have kids of your own.

Chiropractic Singapore

Interesting Facts About Back Pain


Family Chiropractic

Back pain is so common these days, but not many people know much about it except for the fact that it hurts so much. Even back pain patients hardly know much about it, which frankly, can’t be taken against them since they’re busy trying to deal with the condition and the pain.

chiropractor singapore chronic pain

Times That Definitely Calls For An Appointment To The Chiropractor


Family Chiropractic

People assume that a person only goes to see a chiropractor when suffering from back pain. While that’s not entirely false, there’s more to it than that also. Chiropractors are just like any other doctors who went through the same years in University, so it goes without saying that they are also capable of helping you on other areas along with treating back pain.
Though it’s understandable that when something feels off in your body your immediate response is to consult your health care provider, however some conditions are better off consulted with chiropractors.

Ways to Reduce Pain by Sleeping Right

Ways to Reduce Pain by Sleeping Right


Family Chiropractic

Sleeping right don’t just mean completing certain hours of shut eye, it also involves the right mattress, proper height of pillows for your sleeping position (to avoid back pain and neck pain), and right snooze time to ensure the quality of your sleep.